At LLA, we provide a friendly, safe and childlike atmosphere and offer a creative curriculum and various choices for interactive play, while encouraging individuality and socialization. We remember the basics: nature, music, art, free play and developmentally appropriate choice and incorporate these into our daily routines.
Our classrooms are arranged in a way to support creativity, play and a mix of table play, active play, silliness, creativity and FUN - all while learning!
Our curriculum is developmentally appropriate and meaningful for every child. Teachers interact, observe, and evaluate on a regular basis to ensure children’s needs are met.
Literacy, Math, Science, Spanish, Sign Language, and Play-Based activities are incorporated into our lesson plans year-round. And we make every effort to be outside every day!
Our school proudly features The Experience Curriculum. Character education, conflict resolution, and Bucket Filling support positive interactions and social development. We are committed to guiding children in developmentally appropriate learning and focusing on each child to help them proudly achieve their goals.
Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded.
- Jess Lair